April 3, 2024 | The Intersection of Entrepreneurship and Fashion: A Conversation with Stephanie Unwin and John D. Howard

GRLA was thrilled to collaborate with the Stanton Speaker Series and Georgetown Entrepreneurship to host Stephanie Unwin, CEO of Veronica Beard, and John Howard, Co-Managing Partner of Irving Place Capital at Fisher Colloquium. From finance to fashion, Unwin and Howard shared their experiences and lessons in entrepreneurship being a part of the growth of Veronica Beard.

Unwin pursued a degree in finance, but she always felt a calling towards creativity. Unwin took a risk with her final “co-op” during her time as a university student, choosing to work in the fashion industry. She then went on to study fashion marketing at the Parsons School of Design in New York City. Veronica Swanson Beard, one of the founders of Veronica Beard and a friend of Unwin’s, reached out to her with the idea of joining the company.

Howard emphasized the importance of finding brands that have the potential to grow and finding founders who have a real vision for their companies. His investment philosophy underscores the need for brands to innovate continuously and maintain a balance between growth and sustainability. The potential, passion, and creativity behind the Veronica Beard brand caught Howard’s attention as an investor. Unwin and Howard described how their partnership has been a very collaborative dynamic. 

Veronica Beard, under Unwin’s guidance, has carved a niche for itself, catering to women of all generations and experiencing exponential growth in sales. As CEO, Unwin remains grounded in her values, emphasizing respect and community engagement within the company.

Unwin’s final piece of advice to the audience was to explore all areas of interest when deciding on a career path. Howard emphasized the importance of staying true to one’s strengths and pursuing excellence in one’s chosen field.